Wednesday 28 February 2018

Redgrave and Lopham Fen

The Otters and Owls spent a cold, but very interesting, day at Redgrave and Lopham Fen on Monday. They collected measurements at the source, studied the wildlife that inhabit the Fen and looked at how the river shapes the landscape.

As well as enjoying the mud (and snow!), all the children learnt some important facts that will help with their topic work on rivers this term.

Friday 9 February 2018

Egyptian Pyramids

This term this children have been creating Egyptian pyramids using card. They've decorated the brick work, used clay to create a sarcophagus, sprayed and painted them and researched information to put inside their pyramid. I think you'll agree, they look great!

Thursday 8 February 2018

Year 6 Dance

As part of our PE this half term, the year 6's have been learning, practicing and performing dances. The children involved in each group choreographed each dance from scratch and worked together to put together each performance.

The 5 songs were chosen because they are 5 of the songs we will be singing during May's 'BIG SING' at Carrow Road.

We hope you enjoy them!